Page One :: Page Two :: Page Three These pictures were sent to me by Jerry Fullerton. I enjoyed seeing the surrounding desert which I remember so well and miss so much. Thanks. Please click on each photo to enlarge
Page One :: Page Two :: Page Three
These pictures were sent to me by Jerry Fullerton. I enjoyed seeing the surrounding desert which I remember so well and miss so much. Thanks.
Please click on each photo to enlarge
A group of old cars southeast of the Victor open mine Overlooking Midland from Cross Mountain From Cross Mountain again A closer view of the slabs from Cross Mountain The foundation of the USG plant, looking north Glass Art -- collected from the dump and assembled into an interesting form Warning sign on the road into Midland Close-up of the sign Old wooden pallets in a wash south of the plant A decorative wall made from corrugated steel Close-up of the artwork A sculptured fence made from rusty parts A rust art tree Close up "Remember When" Rusty car More rusty art The rust art tree What's left of the old school, facing south, those are the north steps. Foundation of the school showing the bathrooms. Do you remember how COLD they were? The slabs---from the USG plant, favorite camping spot Another view of the plant foundation Trailer near the vicinity of the Commissary Photos courtesy of Gerald Fullerton ^ Top
Photos courtesy of Gerald Fullerton
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