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Species List -- for the new classifications go HERE.In addition to the regular species list, I have included a box below each species, which includes a list of species and their clones compiled by Dr. Jeff Smith. I want to thank Dr. Smith for making this information available, and add that he noted the question marks refer to plants he did not see in person or does not know if they exist here in the U.S. Sadly, he also reports that many of these clones may no longer be available. It is very important to preserve genetic diversity. Please care enough to share. Those marked in blue are ones I have. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S. brevipilosa (S 10a) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single light purple/darker center; 1-4 per peduncle, very short lived. Light green, small, round, thin, glossy, soft, velvety, tightly bunched/pale back; randomly curved petioles. Usually single crown. Miniature to Semiminiature to Small standard. Mine grows as a miniature.
S. confusa (S 16) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single dark purple, 2-6 per peduncle. Variable floriferous-ness. Medium green, thin, quilted, leathery, flexible, serrated/near-white back. Often multi-crowned. May develop sideways growth habit. Semiminiature to Standard
S. difficilis (S 15) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single medium to dark blue, 5-7 per peduncle. Chartreuse, longifolia, tends to spoon, thin, deep veining, crinkled, rough, long hairs. Long, bent petiole. Usually single crown, may sucker. Standard
S. diplotricha-pale flowers
S. goetzeana (S 10) 1900 (A. Engler) Single tiny pale lilac to near white/darker upper petals. Three or more per peduncle, rarely blooms. Dark green, small, round, thick, smooth edge/lighter back. Creeping, branched stems, multi-crowned. Miniature trailer. Culture - this plant requires cool temperatures, below 75 degrees F is required. Grows best below 65 degrees and may need temps in the 40's to set blooms.
S. grandifolia #237 (S 7) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single blue-violet, one or more per
peduncle, floriferous. Light green, elliptical, very thin, long flexible
petiole. Usually single crown. Large
S. grotei (S 17) 1921 (A. Engler) Single, light-medium blue/variable darker eye,
2-3 per peduncle. Flowers may hide under foliage. Pale-dark green, variable
texture, round, serrated on most clones. Usually near-white back, occasionally
red. Green or brown flexible petiole, variable internode length. Large trailer
S. House of Amani (species) Single medium lavender-blue, 3-7 per peduncle, hides under leaves, short-lived. Dark green, pointed, quilted, smooth, prominent veins, serrated/occasional red back, petiole. Usually single crown. Never declared a true species. Standard S. intermedia (S 9) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single medium blue, 5-7 per peduncle, sparse. Olive green, small, round, tends to spoon, velvety, slightly serrated/purple-red back, prominent green veins. Single crown to trailing. Small standard or Trailer
S. inconspicua (S 1) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single small blue-spotted white, atypical of other species, one or more per peduncle. Frail. Not known in collections. Miniature trailer
S. ionantha (S 5) 1893 (H. Wendland) Single blue-violet, 4-5 per peduncle, very
floriferous. Dark green, pointed, heart-shaped, tends to spoon, thick, quilted,
glossy, slightly serrated, long red-brown petiole/red back. Large.
Culture - grows at sea level, likes warm
S. magungensis var. magungensis (S 19) 1950 (E. Roberts) Single small dark violet-blue/darker eye, 2-4 per peduncle, very floriferous. Round, cupped-down, pebbled, slightly serrated, brown petiole/green-white back, prominent midrib. Semiminiature trailer
S. magungensis var. minima (S 19a) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single tiny light purple/darker eye, 1-2 per peduncle, rarely blooms. Medium, small, cupped-down, thin, hairy, serrated, red-brown petiole. Miniature trailer
S. magungensis var. occidentalis (S 19b) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single medium violet-blue/darker eye, 2-5 per peduncle. Medium green, ovate, tends to fold and spoon, glossy. Bushy trailer
S. nitida (S 13) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single dark blue-purple, 8-10 per peduncle, floriferous. Dark green, round, may spoon, smooth, glossy, slender brown petiole/red back. Open growth. Small or bushy trailer or multi-crowned standard
S. nova Nguru mountains (see Nguru Mountains Species Nova below). S. orbicularis (S 14) 1947 (B. Burtt) Single small light lilac to almost white/darker eye, 5-8 per peduncle, floriferous but drops easily. Bright green, small, round to heart-shaped, thin, glossy. Single or multi-crowned. Small standard to Standard
S. orbicularis var. purpurea (S 14a) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single small dark purple, 5-8 per peduncle, very floriferous. Dark green, round to heart-shaped, thin, glossy/light back. Single or multiple crown. Standard
S. pendula (S 8) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single pale-medium blue, one per peduncle, difficult to bloom. Pale to yellow-green, textured, slightly elongated to ovate, very hairy, serrated, variable internode length/pale back. Trailer
S. pendula var. kizarae (S 8a) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single lavender, 2-4 per peduncle, floriferous. Light green, round, hairy, serrated. Trailer
S. pusilla (S 2) 1900 (A. Engler) Single, tiny white/mauve top petals, one or more per peduncle. Leaves tiny, triangular/purple back. Not known in collections, but may exist in some mountain ranges in Tanzania. Miniature S. robertson (species) Large growing light green foliage. Medium to dark blue blossoms.
S. rupicola (S 10b) 1964 (B. Burtt) Single light-medium blue, three or more per peduncle. Light-medium green, heart-shaped, soft, smooth, glossy, velvety/light back. Leaves sometimes thick. Multi-crowned standard or Bushy trailer
S. shumensis (S 3) 1955 (B. Burtt) Single pale blue to almost white/variable darker eye, usually four per peduncle, sparse bloom. Bright green, pebbled, glossy, slightly serrated, short petiole, leaf blade twisted in some clones. Single crown, but tends to sucker easily. Miniature to Semiminiature. Culture -- grows at high elevations, so cool night temps fine. Use northern exposure, however it is very tolerant.
S. Sigi Falls (species)Single variable blue-violet, 2-4 per peduncle, medium to difficult to bloom. Dull green, tends to look mottled, longifolia, may spoon, thick, tough, very hairy, varies in size/purple-red back. Multi-crowned. Never declared a true species. Large standard to Bushy trailer
S. teitensis (S 4) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single light blue-violet; 1-2 per peduncle, rare blooms hide under leaves. Dark, slightly pointed, may spoon; thick, rough, brittle, glossy/red, sometimes light green back. Usually grows upright. Standard
S. tongwensis (S 6) 1947 (B. Burtt) Single pale blue, may show dark pinwheel marking when grown cool; 4-6 per peduncle, very floriferous. Dark green, pointed, narrow, very thick, hairy, slightly serrated/some red back. May appear variegated with mottled pattern over main veins. Usually upright single crown, rarely suckers. Standard
S. velutina
(S 11) 1958 (B. Burtt) Single small medium violet/darker eye, some
white tips. Five per peduncle, floriferous. Black-green, round to heart-shaped,
may cup up or down, thin, hairy, velvety, pronounced veining,
serrated/red-purple back. Single crown, may sucker. Standard
New Species Clones as listed by CCV S. brother paddy from the Mather Collection. Collected by Brother Paddy MacNamara. May grow unruly but if you choose a symmetrical plant it will grow nicely. Flowers are small, dark purple, and have a wasp-like shape. S. difficillis #2 from the Mather Collection. S. grotei protzen from the Uppsala Collection. Pale blue blossoms, large light green leaves. An excellent trailer. S. magungensis occidentalis from the Mather Collection. Beautiful shiny foliage. S. pale rupicola not as vigorous as rupicola but nice. Pale blue blossoms. S. pendula Iverson from the Iverson collection. S. rupicola Chasimba another clone of rupicola. Very vigorous. Leaves are more pointed and top petals of flowers may overlap slightly. Culture -- shaded southern exposure, same as rupicola.
Nguru Mountains Species
(formerly named S. shumensis Nguru Mountains) Not yet unclassified, smaller than shumensis. Compact trailer, oval, dark
green, red reverse, velvety, flowers small dark blue. This is not a clone of
shumensis as formerly listed. This is the word directly from Dr. Jeff Smith.
Collection notes: Collected by Christina S. Mather #21 trailer from the Mather Collection, from the Usambaras Mountains, Tanzania. Similar to grotei but much darker leaves and blossoms, foliage more oval.
Sport of grotei a trailing semi-mini plant
with blue and white chimera flowers that look like stars. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||