Little Jewel Hall of Fame
 I love my Little Jewels, but sometimes I am frustrated by them. Is that one true? Is this one a sport? You might call me a little obsessed, but I really am trying to collect true examples of each. My hope is that when I share them, I am passing on the truest possible one of its kind. No small task, I have found! If you have looked through my Little Jewels Project pages you may have noticed I have linked to the Optimara website for comparison purposes. Though most of the pictures are pretty bad, at least there are flower shapes and descriptions. Here are some Little Jewels that have stood the test of time.
Little Jewels Hall of Fame ~ always true These Little Jewels are generally easy to grow and easy to recognize as true.
Optimara Rose Quartz (6969) 11/19/1988 (Holtkamp) Single-semi-double pink. Medium green, ovate, pointed, glossy, hairy. Miniature
Optimara Little Crystal (7350) 04/11/1990 (Holtkamp) Single-semidouble white wasp. Medium green, heart-shaped, hairy, glossy. Miniature
Optimara Little Moonstone (7352) 04/11/1990 (Holtkamp) Double white/blue-tinged center. Light green, cupped, hairy, ruffled. Miniature
Optimara Little Ruby (6957) 11/19/1988 (Holtkamp) Single-semi-double purple-red. Medium green, ovate, pointed, hairy, glossy. Miniature

Optimara Little Apatite (6941) 11/19/1988 (Holtkamp) Single lilac long petals/lighter lilac back. Medium green, heart-shaped, hairy, glossy, serrated. Miniature
Optimara Little Azurite (7915) 07/06/1993 (Holtkamp) Single purple-blue/thin white edge. Medium green, ovate, glossy, hairy, serrated/red back. Miniature

Easily Confused and Often Mislabeled

Blue Topaz and Lapis (All the light green Lapis leaves that have been sent to me always produce Blue Topaz plants.)

Amethyst and Jade (Amethyst is variable, meaning the white line can be missing, meaning the flower might look like Jade. The Optimara picture of Amethyst show well-serrated leaves, whereas Jade has plain leaves.)

Emerald and Hargow* (Hargow is a known sport of Moonstone. It looks exactly like Moonstone except the flower center is pink)

Sapphire and Turquoise (Sapphire is supposed to be single and Turquoise semi-double, but many plants labeled as one bloom as the other.)
Aquamarine and Diamond (I have seen both labeled as each other)

Violet Sapphire -( rare. I have never seen a true one, only pictures.)




Hargow (9994) 07/12/2008 (L. Lee) Double white star/pink-tinged eye. Light green, spooned, glossy, ruffled. Semiminiature